Sunday, January 8, 2012

Practical Lighting

Nikon D90, Nikkor 70-210mm f/4-5.6

1600 ISO, 1/125, f/5.6

Key light above subject and fill from cameras flash.

Good day all, I hope every one had a good holiday season. Through out my absence on the blog I have pick up on a few new hobbies and darts being the most recent. Above you can notice a carefully placed double bull, which is under a beat up utility light from Lowes. My favorite part about creating this particular image was the use of my Nikkor 70-210mm lens I got from a buddies old film camera. The Lens its self is amazing not using the rings like today’s lenses but in stead a pull and push method that allows zooming in and out (Next “Tech Savvy” will include all the fancy information you might want to read about.).

The Photo

The photo was shot simply with a light over the dartboard facing down toward the subject (The Dart). The basic idea was to have the lens at max focal length (210mm) and the lowest aperture (F/5.6) only to separate my subject from it surroundings. With my depth of field shallow and the shot composed I still needed to use a little more help from my camera’s flash (Very rare that I would use my on camera flash for any thing.). Prior to the decision to shooting this I wanted to capture the subject in mid flight but it is really difficult to shoot bull’s-eyes several times in row (I’m not that good).


Post Always starts with my favorite little program Adobe Raw (Personal Preference) with some minor touches. A minor increase in contrast, a little clarity and some exposure adjustments then we move on to Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop is next with a custom vignette with the burn tool and my official watermark for Guajardo Photography.

Thanks for following and I cant wait for you to read up on my Nikkor Lens in the next Tech Savvy Post.

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