Nikon D40, 50mm f1.8, 5-foot Octa-box on camera right, Models are facing camera to the left of light.
First I would like to say this is one of the rare photos I have taken of myself. Second do not tell my girlfriend that this photo is on my blog (she will most likely destroy any future life plans I have, and I enjoy life.) So strait to the back-story I bought these gas masks a few days prior to this photo for intentions of an idea I have for the future, and then there is the revolver which was used to scare some random people at my house that where not invited (prior to this moment me and my roommates decide theft or destruction to our property was not acceptable so... well you can guess what happen.) anyways guy left as we opened our back doors and then the story of the cowboy had is nothing we just happen to have one in the house. That’s is just the beginning, our friend David (I’ll say his first name is pretty generic) was assigned to come up with a black and white photo scavenger hunt and one was a couple photo. So this was an easy check off, the girlfriend plus some weird props and me equals an awesome outcome.
Not mention above this photo was shot outside so the lining in the background is a fence (that why it dark on the bottom on the photo and lighter as you look up the photo.) so Above this photo is originally shot in black and white with camera setting and away from my awesome Nikon D90 the down grade version, the D40 was the camera used with my 50mm lens. Disclaimer I am a strobist photographer (I use strobes and flashes off camera) and David was not allowed to use my primary lighting equipment so we used my 5-foot Octa-box, which is a continuous light (Dodged a bullet) with a 1000 watt light. So this photo is shot with a huge light with diffusion on camera right facing talent with a soft glow. The image was captured with 500 watt blub lowering thebrightness meaning we had to switched to a open aperture of F/1.8 to get the depth between the focus on the barrel and the out of focused mask.
Post is always the end of this blogs but due to the project that David had to do he was not allowed to edit it so once the class was over I got the jpeg image then cropped and vignette the image to make it a little more cinematic adding some contrast with the curve options in Photoshop. (Didn’t use raw since the image was captured in a fine Jpeg) thanks for listening to the jabber and please look out for my next post that the gas masks were actually bought for. (Depending on the model I may have to censor this image, doesn’t that sound promising)
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